Sands Films is making a new film:

William Beveridge

The Man with the Plan

We are currently preparing a film on William Beveridge and his 1942 Report, with an emphasis on the Plan that underpinned it, and the vision of a more cohesive society that drove it.

The film is heavily based on documented texts and speeches by Beveridge, his contemporaries and later politicians, used verbatim in the script.  It is in that sense a documentary.

But visually and otherwise it is taking inspiration from William Beveridge's fantastical descriptions (The Five Giants), his highly lyrical language, combined with a very down to earth common sense, – all part of his huge success with the ordinary public at the time.

Why are Beveridge’s giants still around now (all of them and more!)?

But what has happened since?

Why did the plan degenerate so soon?

What can be done?